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  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL. with C.I.F. B70651039, with address at calle Músico Peydró nº 4 46001 Valencia (hereinafter, “the Company”).CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL“) provides a luggage locker service that allows its users to have a luggage storage and deposit point (hereinafter referred to as “the Luggage”) through the Community Lockers branded “Community Lockers” (hereinafter referred to as “the Luggage”). MEGABLOKacquired by CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL and made available to its users at the facilities located at the address where the premises are located.

We hereby inform you that MEGABLOK, S.A.U., with Tax Identification Number A-50711498, with registered office in Zaragoza, Plataforma Logística PLAZA, Calle Palermo, number 7 (hereinafter, “Megablok“), is the exclusive owner and/or holder of all the rights inherent to the software inserted in the Community Lockers to control them, to the Meter Data Management (“MDM”) in charge of the management, reception and presentation of the information generated by them, as well as the software in charge of the management of the reservations and management of the Community Lockers and data processing, as well as any other computer program or system linked to any other elements related thereto (all of the foregoing, collectively referred to as “the Platform”). In this regard, there is a license agreement for the use of the Platform (“the License Agreement”) signed between CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL and Megablok.

  1. Acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Use (hereinafter, the “Terms of Use”) is a necessary condition to become a user (hereinafter, the “User”) and to be able to benefit from the use of the Community Locker. Your acceptance implies that you have read the Terms of Use and you expressly and voluntarily accept each and every provision set forth in these Terms of Use and agree to comply with them.
  1. However, CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL reserves the right to introduce modifications to these Terms of Use at any time, which will be communicated to Users for their acceptance by means of notices via e-mail.
  2. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL reserves the right to deny access to the Community Locker to a User, whenever it considers that it may involve a possible breach of these Terms and Conditions.
  1. The Service provided by CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL consists of making available to Users a luggage storage service automatically through the online booking system.


  • General terms and conditions
  1. The User agrees to make proper and lawful use of the Community Lockers. Such use must therefore comply with applicable law, the Terms of Use, morality, generally accepted good customs and public order.
  1. The User acknowledges and accepts that the access and use of the Community Lockers takes place freely and consciously, under his/her exclusive responsibility. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL will in no case be responsible for the use that the User may make of the Community Lockers, nor for any damages that may arise from it.
  1. In order for CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL to provide access to the Service it is necessary that the User has previously provided CONSIGNES L LEVANT SL with the personal data requested. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL reserves the right to check the information provided by the User. It is considered an infraction and cause for immediate cancellation of the Service to provide data that does not correspond to the User.
  1. In any case, CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL may suspend, limit access, or terminate any User who does not comply with the provisions of these Terms of Use, without the User being able to claim any damage or harm from CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL.

  • Service Reservation
  1. Access to the Service is subject to the prior completion of the corresponding form provided to the User through the Platform (the “Reservation Form”). The data provided by the User in the Reservation Form must be accurate, current and truthful at all times. The User shall be solely responsible for any false, inaccurate, fraudulent and/or illegal information provided by him/her and for any damages that it may cause.
  1. In order to proceed with the reservation of the Service, the User shall follow the corresponding indications shown on the screen and accept the purchase by complying with the aforementioned indications, which implies, among other things, the reading and acceptance of these Terms of Use, as well as the Privacy Policy.
  1. The steps to follow to book the Service are as follows:
  1. The User will access the website
  1. Subsequently, you must fill in the Reservation Form with the requested data, including the size of the consiga you wish to reserve, the time of use and the necessary personal data.
  1. Once the Reservation Form is completed, the User will be redirected to the bank’s secure payment gateway. Once the reservation has been formalized, CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL will send an e-mail to the User, as proof of the reservation, with the Service reservation data, the receipt of the corresponding payment, a numerical code to access the premises and a QR code that enables the use of the Community Locker.
  1. To access the premises, you must enter the code provided on the access keypad located at the entrance.
  1. Subsequently, to open the Community Locker and deposit the goods, the User must scan the QR code provided on the Community Locker screen.
  1. The User is responsible for verifying the size and weight of his/her luggage before booking the Service. No claim or request for reimbursement will be accepted in case the baggage exceeds these dimensions and/or weight.
  1. If there is any type of error in the data provided by the User, he/she must immediately notify the Technical Assistance Service in order to correct the error.
  1. The User is informed that these Terms of Use will be accessible at all times through the Platform.

  • Price.
  1. The prices applicable to each product will be those published on the Platform and automatically applied by the contracting process in the last phase of the contracting process. The price is fixed in Euros and includes VAT.

  • Limitations on the use of the Service
  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL reserves the right to control the maximum number of Community Lockers departments used simultaneously by the User.
  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL does not guarantee the availability of free Community Lockers departments, which will depend on the use that exists at any given time.

  • Late baggage removal from the Community Locker
  1. In case of late removal of luggage, the user will pay a penalty of 300 € which will be proportional to the time exceeding its use.
  1. If the User requests the shipment of any forgotten item, the User shall bear all costs, which shall be paid in advance.

  • Ineligibility to provide the Service
  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL may immediately disable, suspend or terminate access to the Service of any User if it considers that the User has breached these Terms of Use.
  1. In the event that CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL disables the User’s access to the Service, the User agrees not to attempt to use the Service.

  • In the event that the User is no longer able to use the Service, for whatever reason, he/she agrees to leave the Community Locker empty. Otherwise, the User authorizes CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL to destroy any object and/or document found in the Community Locker as it will be considered abandoned, exonerating and waiving, expressly and irrevocably, any indemnity and/or claim for damages against CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL.

  1. The User shall observe the utmost diligence in the use of the Community Locker, in its conservation and shall respect the indications, documentation, manuals and/or associated material, as well as the provisions of these Terms of Use.
  1. The Community Locker must be used for the purpose for which it was made available to the User.
  1. The User undertakes not to make any use or provision of the Community Locker that is unlawful, or contrary to the Law, morality or public order, or that, in any other way, could cause injury or damage to third parties (natural or legal) and / or things.
  1. Likewise, the User undertakes not to store flammable, toxic, noxious and/or dangerous substances in the Community Locker.
  1. The User is responsible for not storing in the Community Locker objects with a total value of more than 300€ per locker.
  1. The User undertakes to notify CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL, with the utmost urgency and diligence, of any act of disturbance carried out by a third party in the Community Locker.
  2. In order to use the Community Locker it is necessary for the User to have a computer, cell phone or any other device with Internet access on which he/she receives e-mails at his/her e-mail address to which he/she will receive notifications related to the use of the Community Locker.
  1. The User is responsible for ensuring that the Community Locker door is properly closed after depositing the luggage.

  1. In the event that, in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of November 16, 2007, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, the User acts as a consumer or user, the User has 14 calendar days to cancel the Service from the date of contracting the same, obtaining the refund of any payment made.
  1. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the right of withdrawal shall not apply once the Service has been fully executed or when the execution of the Service has begun, subject to the express consent of the User. In the latter case, the User must provide CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL with an amount proportional to the part of the Service already provided at the time he/she has informed the employer of the exercise of the right of withdrawal, in relation to the amount of the Service contracted. The proportional amount to be paid to CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL shall be calculated on the basis of the total agreed price.
  1. In order to exercise the right of withdrawal, the User must send a communication to CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL by e-mail to
  1. For these purposes, consumers or users shall mean natural persons acting for purposes which are outside their trade, business, craft or profession and legal persons and entities without legal personality acting on a non-profit basis outside a trade, business, craft or profession (“.Consumers“).

  1. The User may use the Service for as long as:
  1. The contracting of the service made through the Reservation Form is in force, provided that the requirements established in the Terms of Use are met.
  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL has not disqualified the User from using the Service because it considers that the User has not complied with these Terms of Use.
  1. The License Agreement between Megablok and CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL is in force.
  1. Megablok has not suspended, restricted or interrupted access to the Platform, either temporarily or permanently, to CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL for contravening the provisions of the Use License Agreement.


All the information on the web is shown in Spanish and the communication with Users, as well as the formalization of the contract, will be carried out in this language, although, if the client wishes, he/she can consult the option of doing it in another language, always indicating it before starting the contracting procedure.

  1. A technical assistance service is available through the Platform (the “Technical Assistance”).
  1. Through Technical Assistance, the User may resolve questions regarding the use of the Platform or the Community Locker.
  1. Through Technical Assistance, the User may inform CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL of any problem related to the operation of the Community Locker and the Platform.
  2. User service hours will be from Monday to Sunday from 07:00 to 19:00h, only by WhatsApp to the number 960806916 and/or to the email address
  1. The User expressly acknowledges that CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL is the owner of the Community Locker located in calle Músico Peydró nº 4 46001 Valencia.
  2. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the User expressly acknowledges that Megablok is the exclusive owner and/or holder of all rights inherent to the software inserted in the Community Locker for the control thereof, to the MDM responsible for the management, reception and presentation of the information generated by the Community Locker, the Platform, as well as any other program or computer system linked to any other elements related thereto. Said ownership covers all intellectual, industrial or any other type of property rights, including, among others, the rights of reproduction, distribution, public communication, availability and transformation of the same and any of its elements, including the source code, object code, technical documentation, User Guide (or any other user manual), etc., as well as any other element related to or derived from the same.
  1. By virtue of these Terms of Use, no intellectual, industrial or any other type of property right shall be understood as assigned in favor of the User in relation to the Community Locker, the software inserted in it for the control of the same, the MDM in charge of the management, reception and presentation of the information generated by the Community Locker, the Platform, as well as any other program or computer system linked to any other elements related to the same, beyond the right to use the same under the terms set forth in these Terms of Use.
  1. In this regard, the User expressly authorizes Megablok and / or CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL to use the information collected during the use of the Community Locker as effective evidence of the use of the same in any type of cause and proceeding, of any nature, whether against the User or against any other party.

  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL assumes responsibility for the theft, robbery, loss, deterioration and/or damage of the goods deposited in the Community Locker up to a maximum of 300€ per locker. For this purpose, CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL has subscribed an insurance contract that covers (300€).
  1. The User shall be liable for all damages caused to the Community Locker during the use of the Service that are attributable to him/her. In addition, the User must report any incident related to the Service through Technical Assistance.
  1. The User will be liable to CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL. and/or Megablok, as applicable, for any damages, losses, costs (including lawyers’, attorneys’ and/or experts’ fees) and/or liabilities arising, directly and indirectly (including, but not limited to, loss of profits, interruption of business activities or loss of information, among others) from acts or omissions that represent a breach of the obligations assumed in the Terms of Use, whether due to wilful breach, fault or negligence, in particular with respect to the conditions of use of the Community Locker.
  1. In turn, the User will exempt CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL from liability and indemnify it. and/or Megablok, as applicable, from all direct and indirect damages (including, but not limited to, loss of profits, business interruption, loss of information, etc.), losses, costs (including attorneys’, lawyers’ and/or experts’ fees) and/or liabilities incurred by Megablok, and CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL as a result of any actions and/or claims brought by third parties arising from the breach/s of the Terms of Use by the User, whether intentional or due to fault or negligence.
  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL and/or Megablok shall not be liable for incidents in the operation of the Community Locker and/or the Platform in the following cases:
  1. That the Community Locker was not used by the User in accordance with the indications, documentation, manuals and/or material associated with them, as well as the rest of the points contained in these Terms of Use.
  1. If there are problems receiving e-mails to the address communicated by the User, for whatever reason.
  2. That there is a misuse of the Community Locker by the User that causes the Community Locker or any of its parts and/or components to not work properly.
  1. For any breach by the User of the provisions of these Terms of Use.
  1. Errors, losses or slowdown of the Internet connection, for whatever reason, that could affect the operation of the Community Locker and/or the Platform.
  1. The Community Locker may be unavailable for any reason, including but not limited to: (i) maintenance and repair; (iii) any reason beyond the control of CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL or that could not have been reasonably foreseen. Neither CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL nor Megablok will in any case be responsible for the impossibility of access to the Community Lockers and / or, nor for any damages that may result from it.
  1. Megablok reserves the right to make updates, corrections and other changes or improvements to the Platform at any time. Also, Megablok reserves the right to suspend, temporarily or permanently, access, with or without notice, to perform such updates, without Megablok incurs direct or indirect liability (including, without limitation, but not limited to, those of loss of profits, business interruption or loss of user information, among others) any for it.

  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL refers in its entirety to what is stipulated in the Privacy Policy.

  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL and Megablok shall not be liable to the User for the breach of obligations under this Agreement in the event that the breach is due to force majeure, meaning, for these purposes, any unforeseeable and unavoidable event beyond the control of that Party and that makes it impossible to fulfill the obligations assumed, materially or legally, and provided that it is not due to a previous breach by the party affected by the force majeure.
  1. Force majeure shall include, but not be limited to, war, acts of terrorism, earthquakes, lightning strikes, epidemics and pandemics, sabotage, and restriction of freedom of movement in compliance with state laws, rules, regulations or resolutions.

  1. All communications and notifications to be made in connection with these Terms of Use shall be made by e-mail to the address or physical address indicated below, provided that, in all these cases, there is a record of its due receipt by the addressee or addressees:

  • E-mail address:
    Address: calle Músico Peydró nº 4 46001 Valencia
  1. CONSIGNES LLEVANT SL will address any communication to be made to the User to the e-mail address provided when registering on the Platform.
  1. Any modification of the addresses and/or e-mail addresses shall be immediately communicated to each of the parties in accordance with the rules set forth in this clause. As long as a Party has not received notification of such changes, notifications made by it under these rules in accordance with the original data shall be deemed to have been correctly made.

  1. The existence, validity, content, performance, interpretation and scope of these Terms of Use shall be governed by Spanish law.
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